Monday, November 5, 2007

What Should We Name the New Record?

Speaking of the record we just finished, we can't seem to spit out a name for it. If you have a snappy album title or two send them over, we've got vapor lock.


Alien said...

The double naming thing is hip with the kids these days, right? So, call side A "Where'd you get those drugs? From a pusher." and side B "Where'd you get that pussy? From a hooker!" It would be sort of like "Are We Not Men? We Are Devo!" crossed with "Speakerboxxx/The Love Below"

The tune on Pitchfork sounds good!


sweeetheartfever said...

Alien's got a point. Have you guys come up with a name yet?

sybris said...

hmmmm... very good idea. it was a close runner up but instead we've decided on "In To The Trees", yep. that's what it be.